Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tues June 20 Paris

 Michelle and I had a free day today before our tour began. I was delighted that I slept in until 9 o’clock! Evidently I really needed a good sleep! We decided to walk in the direction of Notre Dame and we made it all the way. It was heartbreaking. and sad to see the cathedral. But they have done a great deal of work, and the building is surrounded by scaffolding. There are bleachers set up where people can sit and just ponder the cathedral. And along the side street, there are huge posters and photographs showing the destruction and the repair work going on. 

We had a quiche lunch near the Cathedral and walked around ile de la cité. 

As we headed back toward the hotel, I saw a shop with lots of cotton tops, so I could not resist. It has been very humid here and I want something super loose and cool. Well, that was my excuse anyway.

Our tour group met for the first time at 5 PM. There are 26 in our group. It felt very much like a Road Scholar group, although there were more younger people and more men. Actually, it seems the majority are married, couples and several have children who are High school or college age.  Our French guide is very experienced in tourism and I think he will be excellent. He has a second guide with him who is from Hungary, and normally leads tours in Eastern Europe but I believe I understood him to say that his tour in Russia was canceled ( makes sense) so he is joining this one.  The people are very friendly and outgoing and we have already chatted with quite a few at the hotel or over dinner tonight.

Tomorrow, we will see some sites in Paris, which I have seen before, but I always like the musée D’Orsay.  

Bedtime now💤 

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