Saturday, June 17, 2023

Saturday June 17 Chartres

 We arrived yesterday afternoon, after very long flights from the US. And we were both quite exhausted. We were picked up by our driver, who took us to our hotel in Chartres. I could not resist taking a short nap and shower, which made all the difference. The hotel is one that Rick Steves’ book recommended. It is very simple, but has the basics and is in a good location.

In the evening we had a chance to walk around the town and get our bearings and make some plans for the weekend here. We had dinner outdoors looking at the Cathedral. We did not go inside it yet, but will do that, perhaps Sunday. Today we were looking for a place to get a pedicure and we did! Always an experience to do things we are accustomed to at home to see how they do things differently. We went into some shops, because tomorrow many or most will be closed and we are going to Paris on Monday , so this was our only opportunity. I am trying out my French and getting some confidence back although I still struggle to think of the right word. But it’s fun to try.

Tonight, we hope we can stay up late enough to see the light show at various buildings in town, including the cathedral, of course —Chartres en luminaire. 

The weather is warm and humid. Fortunately, our hotel has AC!  

So happy to be here!!

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