Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday June 23 Paris-Bourges

 We packed up and departed from our Paris hotel in a large bus. We are a group of 26+2 guides. After a couple hours in the bus, we stopped at a fantastic attraction. .Guedelon is project where about 50 employees are building a 13 th century medieval castle using tools and techniques from the period. This was a part of the trip I was really looking forward to and I was not disappointed. 

A lovely British lady gave us a tour and then turned us loose to wander around the property on our own. There were Masons, carpenters, basket makers, potters, etc. They use the materials locally available, including wood from the forest & stone they shape as needed.  

The project has been underway since 1997 and they expect that it will be finished in the next decade. The employees dress in period Clothing and they are happy to answer questions and interact with the visitors. 

This was a super experience, and I’m so glad that I got to be a part of it. We then drove to the center of France to the city of Bourges where we will spend the night. The drive was beautiful, passing farm lands and vineyards and small villages. Such a wonderful change of pace from the hectic Paris!

Bourges is an absolutely picture postcard town with a large number of houses from the 14th century. I took a bunch of pictures and I’ll post a few but every place you turn it is gorgeous. There’s a very famous cathedral here—St Étienne.  We had a walking tour with a local guide who was originally from the US, but who has lived here for many years. She is very knowledgeable about the city and about the cathedral and it was an excellent tour. She pointed out a house where Joan of arc spent a winter. For real! And lots of famous things happened in the church here, such as famous coronations and baptisms.  

We then had a delicious dinner. The city will have a light and sound show at dusk but Michelle and I know that that is not until 11 PM and I’m not going to last that long.

So we only have the morning here and will walk around a bit before we leave town. But this would be a very nice place to visit again.

Here are some pix from today. The last pic is the view from my hotel window. Jackie the drink is for you.   

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