Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26 Mont St Michel

 We left Amboise this morning and headed toward Brittany . We made a stop in.Fougères in Brittany for a galette lunch. We then continued to Normandie, and. Mont-Saint-Michel. When we got here, the hordes of people made it extremely difficult to navigate the street and stay with our group to find our way to our hotel. However, at this moment it is 10:15 PM and the streets are very quiet! There is still sunlight, and the streets are quieter, except for some tourists & the seagulls! Spending the night here is quite unique, and an experience that few people have. There are several tiny hotels that are very old with tiny rooms but fortunately we have bathrooms in our rooms. 

I’m very tired and I’m not going to write much because I have to get up early so I hope that tomorrow I can elaborate on my experience today. In the meantime, I will attach a couple pictures. Tomorrow the group is having a walking tour that is uphill and has my body is getting tired, so I think I’m going to skip the walking tour!

More tomorrow. 

Well, the Internet is very slow and I don’t think I can attach pictures so if they don’t work tonight, I’ll try tomorrow.

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