Saturday, June 24, 2023

Saturday June 24 Bourges-Amboise

 Well, the consensus was that Bourges was beautiful and we wish we had more time there. It was very very quiet, especially compared to Paris. Everyone said they slept well because there were no sirens! We had a bit of free time before leaving in the morning and we were told to go to the Saturday marché and buy our own lunch for a picnic later. Of course, I bought cheese, a croissant, an apple. 

We got on the bus and headed for a privately owned château, where the owners grow and make their own wine. The owner explained about the château’s  history and how he came to acquire it. He was very smart, because he has placed some large dinosaurs in various places on the grounds, and that has attracted families to stop there. Very clever!  We then tasted 2 Sauvignon Blancs and a red which was too bitter for me. But I loved to the whites! I managed to get a glass of it to take outside while I had my picnic lunch so it was a perfect accompaniment.😉

Our next stop was château Chambord.  From a distance it is spectacular. I did not take any pictures and I don’t know why. We had a short visit here and I didn’t feel like walking too much so I took it easy stroll around.  

From there it was about an hour drive to our hotel, in the city ofAmboise.  We are in the Loire Valley now, and things are starting to look familiar to me. We crossed the Loire river several times, and it is so beautiful! I noticed in the hillside a few places where people had built buildings into the rock. I recall seeing that on a much larger  scale when I was in the south of France, going to the prehistoric caves, and also when I spent a week in Tours many years ago.  We are very close to Tours now.  It’s possible I will see more of that tomorrow when we see another chateau. 

We had a delicious dinner at the hotel, and we will stay here two nights.  Tomorrow is supposed to have a lot of free time and I look forward to that because the pace has been pretty rushed. As I mentioned before, the people in this group are very friendly and get along nicely.The weather has been very warm, in the upper 80s, and we’re all pretty sweaty by the end of the day! Fortunately, all of our hotels have have AC  which is not always the case in France.  

I usually put somewhere in my blog to please forgive any mistakes as I write these quickly, and may not catch typos  

Time for bed now…💤


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