Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday part deux

This afternoon I enjoyed a tour of the Grand Theatre ( opera house). It's a beautiful 1780 structure--- gorgeous inside and out.  I would have liked to see a performance there but the timing wasn't right. But I did see that the symphony will perform at another venue tomorrow night so I got a ticket for that concert.
Both my lunch & dinner were outside -- the weather is fantastic!  In the 70s. Parfait!  Looks like I won't need any warm clothes this trip.
I visited the Tourist Office again & got some ideas for tomorrow.
I walked down to the riverside--La Garonne-- where there is a " mirror of water".  On the ground---a stone surface, there is a huge, thin puddle of water ( man made) and the effect is to reflect the sky, buildings, etc.  The little kids, dogs, and selfie- seekers loved to play in the water!  As I wandered around the district (la Bourse ) I found a little restaurant at the Place du Parliment for dinner.
I'm enjoying going at my own pace and just following my nose around town. I keep discovering places that I would not have come across if I had planned my day & route out in advance. A nice way to go.  I'm feeling more confident about finding my way around and using French.
As I'm writing, the tv is on with American shows dubbed in French. First was " the Nanny" and now it's " the Wolf of Wall Street."  Quite amusing!😉
I talk to Roger every night & we share our news. I appreciate my friends at home who are helping with my puppy's exercise!  She's got a good life ( as do I).
Nitee night,

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures! The mirror of water sounds delightful! -- Jackie
