Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday Oct 21 last day in Montpellier

I have been with Joni & Tom since Wednesday noon and unfortunately have to leave this evening to get my flight from Toulouse to Paris, then to SFO on Sunday morning.  So I think will be my last posting for this trip.  I'll summarize my time in Montpellier, then reflect a bit on the whole trip.

I'm really glad that I came. I was able to help a bit for a few days, and Joni has good spirits and the surgery site is healing really nicely. I saw it just now when the home nurse changed the bandage.  Yesterday she & I were concerned because her elbow has turned really black & blue & swollen. So we went to the hospital to inquire and the doctor said this is very normal.  (It just looked bad).

Yesterday she & I were able to do several errands. The police had asked her to come in with a list of things that were stolen and the detective wrote an official document for her that will help with insurance claims, etc. Being inside a French police station was quite interesting and not something in most tourist books have on their itineraries.  ðŸ˜‰  The detective then drove us ( yes chauffeured us!) to the office where she could get a replacement for her stolen metro pass which had around 50 euros left on it. When the clerk there saw the new official police document, he immediately issued her a new pass!
She also has been a basket case without her I phone so we went to a store where she bought an inexpensive android-- to hold her until she gets home for a new I phone. Voilà! Instant happiness!
We had lunch at a creperie ( good for me!).

Joni has a home nurse who has come twice & will return on Sunday. This has been super. So my overall impression is that things are progressing very well.  I was amazed at how she was able to run around town yesterday. It's good she will have time to heal before they return home the end of November.

Regarding the Road Scholar trip, I think you could tell from my earlier posts that this was a really good tour.  What we saw & did was spectacular. I'm really glad I did this at my age because some people in the group had trouble with some aspects, though no one was a whiner. I could not have hoped for a nicer group of people.  A pleasure to be with.

The detour that my trip took when Joni got hurt proved to be part of the whole adventure. I've had to take the train alone and to navigate the travel on my own and things went well.  Taking the train can be a challenge, and I was glad to discover that I remembered some of the idiosyncrasies at the station.

So now I will say adieu and get ready for my train trip.

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