Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Wed Oct 18 Toulouse

I am feeling very uncertain about writing while at this location since I lost a lot of my journal the other day. So I think I'll just write a short update now and I hope to go back later to fill in the holes.  Today was the last day of our tour. We went to the medieval Bastide of Carcasonne today which was about an hour's drive. I appreciated that we did a tour at our own lace with headsets to explain the various places and the history. Joan, Jolene and I had gone here when we had our spa week in the south of France years ago, but I didn't remember how much we learned about the history.  This was a nice day-- good weather too.
Everyone is getting a bit road weary but unlike the others, I amnot going home tomorrow. I am flying Sat-Sunday and get home Sunday.

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