Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sat Oct 8. Bordeaux

First full day of our tour

Well the group arrived yesterday and we met in a short meeting then went to dinner together. I'm very impressed with these people. They include teachers (of course), professors , 2-3 MDs, one who worked at NIH, a musician, etc.  I'll learn about more about them as we go along.  One woman has a daughter who works for Hillary!  Several have worked in other countries.  Quite a few speak some or a lot of French.  Others have taken 15-20 Road Scholar trips!  And overall it's an extremely well traveled group. Each one I have talked to is interesting.  One woman has lived in Spokane & when I told her about my ill- fated experience there, she said she wanted to reassure me that leaving was the right thing to do!  Can't wait to tell Roger all about that discussion .

Today began with a short lecture about the history of Bordeaux. We then set out on foot to see the streets & neighborhoods- --all places where I had walked before on my own. Our guide today was a Bordeaux native-- Mary Chantel who, as it turns out, has worked w Road Scholar for something like 20 years and has been responsible for the development of the itineraries in many regions in France.  She was extremely knowledgable all day!

  First she took us to the Musee du Vin & du Negoce-- museum of wine and Trade, which she was a part of creating!  It's a small museum in Cellier Des Chartrons--- a part of Bordeaux where Mary Chantel is from. She had loads of side stories that I doubt other guides should have had.
Next we went to my kind of lunch: wines & cheeses!  And finally we walked to the cathedral St Andre ( beautiful) and then the Museum of Bordeaux & Aquitaine.  I easpecially liked the section about the prehistory of the region--- a foreshadowing of our next couple weeks when we visit prehistoric caves & art.

The group is exhausted from traveling, so tonight is on our own... a good idea. I'm heading out to eat with a few gals shortly. As I write, BBC is on tv, telling about the latest Trump insanity. So glad I'm not home to hear it all day.

The tour is off to a super start!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! I often think fondly of our trip to Paris and those tasty lunches of cheese, crepes, and charcuterie.

    And how I wish I were somewhere else where I could avoid the Trump insanity!! But maybe this latest will be the final nail in the coffin!
