Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wed Oct 19 from Montpellier

this will be a catch up posting-- to ( I hope) summarize my trip since Friday  My I-pad only works in a wi fi zone and that has been a big problem.

Friday Oct 14 Rocamadour
We said au revoir to Sarlat ( which I really liked) and set out on our journey towards the ancient city of Rocamadour. This was our first rainy day of the trip so we could not complain. The region and landscape really changed. We entered the state/ Department of Lot. We drove along the river Dordogne and climbed into woods and mountains Our first stop was the town of Souillac where we visited a distillery that makes wines and liquors ext using walnut, chestnut, condiments, etc   The tour was fun and personal, as have been the case for most places we visit. This is a benefit of being in a group and being off season.  We stopped at Martel, another place dating from the Middle Ages, with reminents of Roman times.
We visited the cave Pidirac as another example of cave paintings ---and geological features. This one had an underground river, and for part of the visit we were in a boat with a guide.  I couldn't help but hum a bit of "Yo ho,yo ho, a pirate's life for me."😉🎼. Really felt like Disneyland.
I loved this visit. Really different experience from the other caves.  I have a picture of us in the boat.  At Caves they don't let us take pix-- this one was taken by their staff.

Our day concluded in Rocamadour. Wow!  Gorgeous setting, monastery. atop the cliff, looking down over the  Alzou canyon. Our hotel was just beneath the monastery which I looked at from my window.  This was spectacular.

Saturday Oct 15.
Today was a different cave: Pech Merle.  They showed a short film first which I really appreciated. It was funny because a lady I've been hanging out with is named Merle, so we had fun taking pix of her with the signs.  As with other caves, this one has unique characteristics and I really came for the caves, so I didn't feel it was too much. I've not been disappointed in the caves.
Lunch today was in tiny town of Cabreret. Here I had to sing " Life is a Cabreret, my friend... ". 🎼
The chef here showed great respect for the non meat eaters and made a lovely gourmet for us.

My friend who is in Montpellier ( Joni) had a very bad experience last night. Someone grabbed her purse on the street and she fell hard-- on her shoulder. So I was glad to hear from her this evening to hear the doctors had done a great job, operated on her and out pins in her shoulder already-- within 24 hours.  We had planned for her and her husband to join me in Toulouse Wednesday but now we will not do that. Instead I am going to stay with the, for a few days and try to help her out a bit.

Sunday  Oct 16 Toulouse
When we left Rocamadour,  I lamented that I didn't have more time here. Our trip is crammed full of activities and a little more free time would have been good.
Lunches & dinners have included wine (usually red) and lunches were long and dinners were late. That's how it is.
I the journey we passed through a little town called something like St Antoin du Val

We went to Albi where we had a short walking tour and visited the museum of Toulouse Lautrec. I enjoyed seeing so many of his works, but the guide gave way too much information and made us stand too long, so I decided go go ahead at my own pace.
The city views and river were really beautiful. Got lots is pix.

Monday Oct 17
A local guide began today by giving us a lecture about the region -- languages, culture, history.  Was helpful & interesting.
She then took us on a walking tour including the St Semin Bascilica-- which was beautiful. It's the largest Romanesque church in Western Europe. The stained glass windows were special and similar to those in several churches in Paris such as St Chappelle
The Dominican order was founded in the 13 th century in Toulouse.

Tuesday- Wed--- I think my entry from Wednesday is already posted so I'll stop and post this before it all gets lost!!

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