Friday, October 7, 2016

Thursday- Friday Oct 6-7 Bordeaux

I'm writing on Friday because I was out late last night. I attended the season opening concert of the Bordeaux Opera Symphony orchestra held in a new venue "L'auditorium de Bordeaux."  This hall has the audience surround the orchestra and the acoustics are fantastic!  A contralto from the opera sang some Wagner, and the other selections were orchestral-- Boulez( ugh!), Ravel and Debussy (Bon!).
I discovered something I didn't know about French women: they have huge bladders ( evidently). When I went to the WC at intermission I saw only about 5 women there!  In the US the lines would have been immense!  How is that?

Yesterday morning I took a bus tour of the city.  I liked doing it after I had walked around a lot the previous day because this gave me the big picture.  When my Road Scholar group begins, we will see more places-- museums, churches, etc, so I don't feel the need to visit more sites now.  Instead I'm enjoying my book " the Cave Painters".

The weather turned much cooler than when I first was here.  Feels more like autumn.

I'm happy to be missing the incessant insanity on US tv -- the election-- tho I do get a bit of news on BBC tv.   The Hurricane news is pretty scary. It was fun to see the actual announcement of the Nobel Peace prize live--- since I'm in the same time zone. I tried out the small hotel gym while watching the announcement.

I'm ready to meet my new group tonight!  ðŸ˜Š


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