Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wed Oct 22. En route to Switzerland

I had to say adieu to Joni, Tom & Montpellier today. I had a wonderful visit in the south of France. Of course it was too short, but I'll have to return.
Got on train from Montpellier to Switzerland. Unfortunately the train was late getting to Lyon so I missed my connecting train to Geneva. Had to wait 2 hours for next train.

Soon after Lyon we began getting into the Alps & it started getting colder & looking like the Alps. In Geneva I had to buy next legs of train tix--- first for Lausanne, which was my destination for today. Tomorrow I'll train on to Fribourg where I'll be met by my friend (also named Jane).

Ok, so here' s how this happened.  Jane lives near me at home and we became friends walking our dogs.  She has a chalet in Switzerland and our timing coincided --- she is in Switzerland while I was in France-- so she invited me to visit the chalet.  Besides that being interesting in itself, across the lake ( Geneva) from Lausanne is Evian where I spent 3 weeks one summer in high school. So this region has special memories for me.  I decided to go to Switzerland instead of touring more in France.
I need to explain why I am more chatty in this message that I was in France. It's because when I was in France, I was with Joni & Tom & we were constantly busy so I had no time to write. Here I am alone.
So tomorrow it's off to the chalet in the Alps in a village called Charmey.
I likely will not have Internet again till late Friday when I return to Lausanne.
Bon nuit!

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