Sunday, October 19, 2014

Somewhere in the south of France...

It's Sunday Oct 19. The weather has been fabulous the whole time here which is perfect because we are doing lots of outdoor activities. Today we drove to Provence-- to les Baux de Provence to see the medieval chateau and quarry nearby. The chateau had beautiful views of the valley & mountains as well as artifacts like catapults-- showing some aspects of their lives. The quarry was a most unusual place as they put on an amazing visual presentation of art on all the walls of this indoor quarry. I cannot explain it well. . . Just very unique.
I got a taste of Provence on this lovely drive. (Montpellier is not in Provence so the drive took us east into this different region. ) I got a feel of how much more touristy Provence is and the landscape is quite different. It really did feel like what I expected Provence would be--- just a taste of it in one day of course. Really picturesque. Tomorrow we are going to take it easy as we've been going at a high speed so far..

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