Thursday, September 1, 2011

Telluride one day before

Festival starts tomorrow but we arrived last night.  Buzz today was that George Clooney will come to the festival.  Then at noon we got a preliminary program where it was confirmed.  He will be here, will be honored at the festival & will premiere his new film The Descendants.  Tilda Swinton will also be here & will be honored & will speak.  Also Glen Close in her new role as a man!  This preliminary program never says the whole story---we learn a lot more tomorrow---but this year the preview looks fantastic!
We had lunch at a favorite Italian restaurant on the outdoor patio and 2 table away was Ralph Lauren & 8 or so others.  He's a major contributor to the festival plus his son is marrying a Bush daughter (whose name is Lauren & who I guess will become Lauren Lauren) & the wedding is here in Telluride this weekend. Word is the town will have all those sort of celebs besides the usual for the festival.  This is pretty interesting.
Our condo is lovely.  Tomorrow the real fun begins!  Will post more events along the way.
(I cannot believe I am doing a blog!!)

1 comment:

  1. Jane failed to note that the Laurens were accompanied by the chick who was on Saved by the Bell and then starred in Showgirls. She has also been on CSI as of late. So excited - this looks like it is going to be an extra-cool year. And here we are - being all sociall
