Monday, September 5, 2011

Telluride----le fin

Today was a good as the previous 3 and a super end to the festival.  We began today with The Footnote about a scholar in Israel whose life research was reduced to a footnote in someone else's book.  It was humorous, passionate and especially interesting for academics.  I recommend it.  We heard that it was popular with others too.

Next we went to the Labor Day picnic. Over 1200 people attended---more than they expected.  Lunch was followed by a panel with 3 directors of my favorite films: Albert Nobbs, We Need to talk about Kevin and the Separation.  It always adds a lot to the experience to hear directly from the film makers about the creation of the movie.

Next I went to an unconventional movie choice: a documentary called Hollywood Don't Surf.  Besides looking at the obvious 60s surfing movies, it considered an array of other movies that had some surfing reference, e.g. Fast Times at Ridgemont High and a very young dude named Sean Penn,  and the surfing scene in Apocalypse Now with the famous line "Charlie don't surf."  It's a documentary you usually don't get to see and I really found it entertaining!

Finally we saw a 3-D movie, Pina, about the German choreographer Pina Bausch.  She was a contemporary/modern dancer which is not my favorite genre, but it was well done and had some memorable scenes.

So now that le fin has arrived,  I want to summarize my 4 days in this way:

My "really recommend you see" list includes :  The Descendants, Albert Nobbs, The Artist, The Separation,   We Need to talk about Kevin, and Butter .  I expect we'll see some Academy Awards from this list. (You'll recall that last year we saw King's Speech & Black Swan).

My list of others I thought were worth seeing: Footnote and Living in the Material World.

In reviewing this summary I am amazed to see that there were only a few other films I saw that I would not recommend.  Terrific score!  We had perfect weather the entire time and as always met lots of people and swapped movie reviews & stories along the way.

This is my last Telluride 2011 posting. Thanks for sharing the experience with me!  :-)

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