Sunday, September 4, 2011

Telluride Day 3

Today was another full day.  Began with a terrific tribute to George Clooney.  They played clips from about 10 of his movies, then he was interviewed by a movie critic.  The interview was delightful.  He told stories of his pre- Hollywood life, his early tv days, the time he was a chauffeur for his aunt Rosemary and his evolution in films.  He was personable, humorous and a huge hit with the audience.

Next we saw a Tilda Swinton movie-----We Need to Talk about Kevin.  It was really intense.  About a very disturbed family and serious issues.  Not for general audiences.  But her acting was superb.

The next one was also quite disturbing but well done: Shame.  The main character was addicted to sex and his sister was played by Carrie Mulligan, whom we saw twice before at Telluride.  She's excellent but this is a difficult (and explicit) film.

The last two today were foreign.  Bonsai, from Chile which I found to be pretty boring but Michelle liked OK.  Put me to sleep.  The last one was excellent:  A Separation.  It was set in Iran and while the culture was very different from ours, the underlying plot was about a marriage in trouble, with universal appeal.  For those who don't mind subtitles, I'd really recommend this drama.

So it was a great mixture today.  Sad to think tomorrow is the last day. :-(    Hope to see 4 more tomorrow.  The weather has been outstanding---warm and not a drop of rain.  This is a good year!

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