Friday, September 2, 2011

End of Telluride Day 1

What a wonderful start to the festival! Saw 2 excellent movies!  First was The Descendants---George Clooney's.  This one will have mass appeal.  Set in Hawaii; really made you feel you were there.  Quite a good story of a father's journey.  George, a co-star and director had a short Q & A after the movie.  This screening was "pre" festival so we really were the very first audience to see it.  Love that!

The second  film was a biopic (Living in the Material World ) about George Harrison.  Martin Scorsese (surprise) directed.  Ken Burns welcomed the audience to the festival before the film and had something cute to say.   His daughter had applied to a college which asked her in an application form "what will you bring to this college?"  Her answer: "Abby Road."   :-) The story was much more complex & interesting than I would have expected---not only about the music but much more about the man and about life's experiences.  It was really long, & I expect it will mostly appeal to PBS, but I really enjoyed it & recommend it to those of my generation especially.
Tomorrow starts very early. . . unsure when I'll get to write tomorrow.  First movie is Albert Nobbs with Glen Close playing a man.
Time for bed now.

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