Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 2--end of the day

It's 10 pm; I'm calling it quits after 4 movies today.  The morning one I already wrote about.  After lunch we saw these:
Goodbye First Love, which has a totally different title in French (L'amour de jeunese). I thought the French title was much more apt;  it's about the angst of young love.   We thought it was good but not great. Visually it was beautiful (set in France).  Joni can probably see it in France.  The director was present to introduce it & do a Q & A after.  That was interesting. I saw the director on the way out and said "merci bien." :-)
Then we saw a really special film: The Artist.  It was by a French director, with international cast but ----it was a silent movie in black & white!  It was the story of an actor who has great fame in silent films but when talkies come, he is no longer wanted.  It starred Jean Dujardin who won best actor at Cannes and Penelope Ann Miller with others such as John Goodman & James Cromwell.  I think people will like this one.  It was more than you'd expect!
Finally we saw Butter starring Jennifer Garner.  (We didn't see her husband here).   It's about a butter carving contest at the Iowa State Fair.  A total comedy sort of along the line of Juno but not as good writing.  Garner was here to introduce it.  That was fun.  Also in the cast are Hugh Jackman & Ty Burrell (who was here too).  He's in American Family & was in Fur which I saw at Telluride a few years ago.  This one has a lot of general appeal and should be shown widely.   To me it didn't seem much like Telluride style but I appreciated a comedy at the end of the day. Leonard Maltin sat in front of us.
All in all it was a fantastic day.  Tomorrow we'll begin by going to a tribute to George Clooney which will have clips from many of his roles.  Then I expect to see 4 more movies.

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