Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday July 16 Montreal

Old Port / Old Town Montreal 

 So at 7 o’clock this morning, I get in the shower. Get my hair wet. The fire alarm goes off. And it didn’t stop. So I got out of the shower, threw on some clothes and a towel around my head, grabbed my purse and walked down seven flights to the lobby. No one seem to know what the problem was. Some people were ignoring the alarm and having breakfast. I however wasn’t going to be that dumb. After about a half hour, the consensus seemed to be that the problem was not serious.  The rumor was either a wire got crossed or someone smoked. Most people came back into the hotel. Merle and I wanted to get on the elevator, but they still weren’t working. Eventually, we were able to get into the elevator, delayed all together about an hour . Fortunately, we didn’t have I need to hurry today. I finished my shower, and we had breakfast. By then it was 930. Finally the guy at the front desk confirmed that a wire in a socket, somehow malfunctioned and set off the alarm. Crazy.

We had decided yesterday to go to an IMAX movie at 11:15. It was about the continent of Australia. I have been asking Merle for a long time if she was interested in going to Australia and New Zealand and she always said it was too far away. Well recently she’s been watching a TV show that got her interested in that region. So we are thinking about a future trip to Australia and New Zealand. Road Scholar has one by ship which sounds very appealing. We will look into it .

After the movie we went to Chez Suzette where we had a fondue lunch! Jane was very happy!

We then had to return to the hotel to get ready for our 215 massage appointments! What a rough life.

Our Road Scholar group convened for the first time at 5:15. It is a nice small group of 20 people. Our guide is François; he was delighted to see that we spoke French.😉

Following the orientation, we had dinner at a local restaurant, which was absolutely delicious. I had cod, fritters and risotto. Yummy!  A great beginning to our trip. 😀

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