Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tues July 23–Quebec-Montreal

We had the morning to enjoy our last bit of time in Quebec city. I don’t know if I made it clear how beautiful this city is. I think some of my previous pictures give a hint of that and this morning we wandered down some Backstreets and found some very old buildings that really made us feel we were in Europe. Doesn’t that picture at the top look like a painting?

Our driver picked us up at 12:45 to drive us back to Montreal. It’s around 150 miles. We were so appreciative because he was a very nice man who has been a taxi driver for many many years. We felt safe and he was rather entertaining as well.It was not a cheap trip, but we decided we are worth it. We were thrilled be taken door to door rather than hauling our bags to the train or bus.And it was the fastest way to get there.

Our hotel in Montreal is a very different part of town from last week. It is more in the business area. But there are plenty of restaurants and some nice shops as well. After getting settled in the hotel, we talked to the concierge for directions and advice, and walked to a number of restaurants to check out their menus. We ended up at one of the restaurants he recommended which was a Spanish restaurant, Iberica.  Merle is in the picture with our yummy tapas and sangria.

And after dinner, we needed to find a dessert. So we went to Rubens.  Montreal is famous for its smoked meats, deli style.Merle really wanted to try some, but of course we had just had dinner so we went in for a dessert. OMG a brownie with ice cream. Decadent! We will go back to Rubens tomorrow for lunch so she can have their smoked meat.

She and I will go separate ways tomorrow as she wants to go to the art museum and I want to go to the botanical gardens. 

Merle has some pictures on her phone that I have not gotten copies of yet so I will have to add those tomorrow. 

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