Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thur July 18 Montreal


We had a bus today to take us around to the rest of the city which we had not seen thus far. Another excellent local guide. We started at the basilique, then drove around to see different neighborhoods and hear the history of those neighborhoods. A highlight was driving up to the top of Mont Real.  Of course there was a panorama view of the city,  harbor, etc. On a clear day, you can see Vermont or Maine! Our bus stopped at a bagel shop and our guide ran in and got each of us a bagel. Still warm and delicious! Montreal is famous for their Bagels. 🥯 

Finally, we went to the indoor Arts complex. It was absolutely beautiful because everything was protected from the winter elements and it was like one big mall with a symphony hall, and a theater,  and a restaurant, etc. You could walk all around during the winter for wonderful entertainment. It’s very well planned and impressive.

We then had a free afternoon. Merle and I had a quiche and salad for lunch then did a little shopping and I bought two tops. An important part of our day was using the one washing machine the hotel has for guests. So we got all of our clothes cleaned for our journey tomorrow to Quebec city. You can see I posted the weather forecast for the next seven days and I am delighted. A couple times today I was actually a bit chilly.Love it!  

We had dinner with the group tonight and then came back to our hotel to pack for leaving tomorrow. We still have not decided what to do after the tour finishes. We will have a couple days to either stay in Quebec city or come back to Montreal to do some activities we didn’t do yet. We will come back to Montreal for our plane, but we don’t have to come back earlier if we don’t want to. We will wait and decide after we get to Quebec city.

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