Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nov 1-2 UK to Egypt

Oct 31, Halloween,  was our visit at Stonehenge. I think it was my fourth or fifth time there. The weather was really really cold but thankfully there was no rain. The New museum at Stonehenge was very well done! We also went to Avebury, where there were additional stones. I had never heard of the place and it was interesting to see how it was similar and different to Stonehenge.It was Halloween but we hardly knew it. We only saw a few children in costumes.In the morning we are boarding our airplane for the first Time to fly from the UK to Egypt.

Nov 1 we boarded OUR plane for the first time.  Here are some highlights:
—We had our own private terminal for security screening & awaiting flight.  Just us!  (And the ladies who served us tea, coffee, etc.  ). It really felt like we were in a whole different class. We found our our plane has been rented by such people as The Rolling Stones & Guns & Roses.  Crazy!
—First view of plane:  it has “Road Scholar “ painted on it!!
—Inside, they have a map of our trip on the wall.
—Our seats are beautiful!  Feels like a private jet.  There’s a socializing area, bar, etc.
—We have a chef on board!!  At meals we get a specially made menu with 2 choices for each course; a real gourmet meal! And extensive beverage menu.
—The on board entertainment options weren’t really working.  I expect they’ll fix it later.
My voice sounds husky whenever I’ve been outside.
As we flew over Austria I had a great view of the snow capped Alps.  I felt like that’s  when  I said farewell to Europe & all things familiar, ready to embark on all things new!

Our hotel in Giza has a view of 2 pyramids! The air quality if horrible & My lungs quickly felt like they did when we had the bad California fires. My voice sounds husky whenever I’ve been outside.But the hotel rooms are very nice.

As I am writing this, it is now November 2. I had a ton of trouble getting onto my blog, but it just occurred to me that I need to use chrome instead of Safari. Now it works!. I will try to get caught up.

Today we visited the pyramids, the sphinx, and the Egypt museum. Nothing can describe the amazing experience of seeing how huge the pyramids are and realizing how old they are. Today was a big holiday here, the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. So our guide said there were way more people here than usual. It was an exhausting day but very worthwhile.
I’m writing fast so there may be goofs. I’ll try to add pix either now or later.

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