Wednesday, October 30, 2019

London Oct 30 day 2

I had an excellent night’s sleep and felt ready to be on local time.  Since our breakfasts will be in the hotel the next 2 days, I ventured out to a funky neighborhood cafe for eggs & latte.  My travel friend Merle arrived later this morning, and we had the day free, so we walked to the Victoria & Albert Museum.  Didn't stay too long, but enjoyed what we saw—and we got in some walking—about 2.5 miles.  (Yesterday I got in 4.5 miles!).
At 5pm the whole group convened for an orientation & dinner.  There are 46 in our group.  We learned that the first group who took this trip (and returned home a couple days ago) had 45 in their group.  They said they loved the plane—-it’s well appointed, and has a bar and socializing area—-and they had a terrific trip.  (Though we doubt we’d have been told if there were any bad things that happened!  We agreed that it’s good the first group went first—to work out any kinks in this itinerary!)
We met our 2 guides—-Chris(tine) and Kevin.  Very interesting people—both British.  And we chatted with a number of our co-travelers.  But everyone was pretty tired as they’d arrived today.
We take off early tomorrow for Stonehenge and Avebury Stone Circle.
It was another very chilly day here, but happily not rainy!
And we’re off!  :-)

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