Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nov 17-19 —last destination— Oman

 I am actually writing this on November 19, 2019 as I await my flight from London to home. The last couple days I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to do my final posting. Our last stop was in Oman. We had two nights and one long day there. It is a country that is just now opening up to the world and they are trying to increase tourism. So we noticed that the personnel in the hotel are still trying to learn some hospitality skills.
 We visited a huge mosque in the city of Muscat   The women have to cover their heads and wear long dresses or pants. It was a beautiful structure but pretty strange for most of us to be there. Oman is a theocracy and Islam permeates everything they do.  It’s not a place I would care to return to but it was a bit of a lesson for us. It was the most extremely different place that we visited on the whole trip.
Yesterday we took the final trip on our plane to London. That experience--with our plane-- has been incredible!  Not only have I been spoiled the last few years by traveling business class overseas, now it seems the only way to travel is in your own plane!! Ha ha 😜

 So this is my last posting for this trip. I will add a couple pictures. One is at the bar / social area on our plane & the other is the Muscat bazaar.
I’m very much looking forward to getting home to Roger ❤️ and my puppy.

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