Monday, November 4, 2019

Nov 4 Petra

 We keep learning new things every minute. We learned that Petra is the name of the archaeological find and that the word Petra was given by the Greeks. Makes sense since it’s the name for rock. The Arabic name is something I can’t pronounce. But Petra is what everyone knows it by. The town next to the archaeological site is called Wadi Musa.  That means valley of Moses. Interesting! This morning we went to see Petra. I had watched videos and read a fair amount about Petra and was very excited to see it. It was fantastic! I have taken a lot of pictures, but I had to remind myself to watch the experience around me and not get caught up in photography!  After walking close to 2 miles, we reached what is known as the treasury. That is the most famous picture of Petra. Amazing feat to build it. The Nebeteans built it as burial sites & monuments.  The city where they lived next to it was completely destroyed by earthquakes so those are not remaining.  Even before reaching the treasury, we saw burial places, other carvings, and the water system that they had developed. They diverted water when the floods came into  this area or else they would never have been able to live here, as  there is very limited water present in natural Springs.
I was disappointed we didn't see more of Petra, due to limited time.  I'd enjoy seeing this again.

 I have finally learned how to add pictures easily--- I have to write the blog on my phone and not my iPad. So here are a few from today.

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