Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 17 Ghent & Brugge Belgium

Today we docked in Ghent and went by bus to see the ancient cities of Ghent ( morning) and Brugge (afternoon) .  These day trips were too rushed and short and we were a bit frustrated, but we did see some nice things.
In the morning it was really cold and the walking tour wasn't very comfortable. Today is Easter Monday in Europe people are off work and it's another holiday for the locals.  The number of tourists was huge!  We thought going in April would avoid the crowds, but that's not the case.  However we got some nice pix and saw beautiful buildings.

The main site we visited was the Ghent church--- Cathedral of St Baro-- the very famous altarpiece by Van Eyck. ( circa 1492).
We had lunch on ship then drove to Brugge.  Merle & I wanted to go at our own pace so we left the walking tour & had our own tour.  That way in the 3 hours we squeezed in a lot.

First we went to the small Groening museum where we saw what's called "Flemish Primative " paintings.  It's art from the 1400s with unusual  features--- very detailed and colorful and almost a 3 D effect. I found them to be very interesting!  Glad we saw them.
I noticed lots of dogs in art and in town--- unlike in the Netherlands. I must be missing  my puppy!  😉

We then went to the Church of our Lady where we saw the Michaelangelo Madonna.statue.

The town was REALLY overrun with tourists and that was not at all pleasant.

We saw beautiful swans and some tulips.

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