Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11 Part 1 ---Amsterdam

It's amazing what 12 hours of sleep will do for you!  I feel great this morning.
I arrived yesterday and met up with Merle at our hotel-- the Park Plaza Victoria. It's a terrific hotel, very centrally located with outstanding staff. Really outstanding!  Merle got here around 8 am--several hours before me -- and had to wait for a room ( naturally). So while she waited, all the staff got to know her-- and by extension me-- so that when I arrived everyone knew who I was already!  Just like at Cheers.😉
We decided to walk around and get to know the area.  Merle had studied the map, fortunately. As in the photos, there are tons of bikes, and as Rick Steves told us, you have to be vigilant about where they are --as well as the trams.  Not as scary to walk as Rome is, but challenging.

We had a light lunch in a cafe in a small pedestrian street ( we like those!) which could have been anywhere inEurope.  I think it's great fun to see so many blonds-- like in Sweden.  Very unlike the Bay Area where they are scarce.  But there is still a mixture of people here...of course it's a very international city. Heard all kinds of languages.  Dutch does sound germanic but we can't decifer anything. However really everyone speak English. So much so that we found Dutch people who even speak with their Dutch restaurant servers in English.

We went by a couple museums but decided we were too jet lagged to get anything out of them. The weather is colder than I expected so coats & gloves are needed.  Love those scarves ( added warmth). After checking into our rooms in the afternoon, unpacking & showering, we went to the Amsterdam pancake restaurant across from our hotel. But the Dutch version of pancakes meant crepes, so I was happy.

Today we will go to the Anne Frank house.  Today is the first day of Passover and Merle is Jewish, so it seems especially appropriate today. Then after lunch, a former student of mine from Mission College will come to see me at the hotel.  Jacques and his wife took 3 different courses from me back in the 90s, then went on to Cal & graduate studies.  He is Dutch and works for Eurojust.  I really look forward to seeing him.  ( Ironically, his wife is in San Diego right now visiting her parents, so I won't see her).
Then at 4 pm our tour group will have its first meeting.  Will be a full day!

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