Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 16 Veere ( in Zeeland)

Funny thing last night... I turned on I pad to blog and the message said the site was blocked because it was deemed to be porn!! 😬  Oh dear!  I tried many times & was refused. So I'm glad that now I can log on.

During breakfast we went through another lock, which is always fun to watch. We docked in the town of Veere, on the North Sea.  Today is Easter and there is a large group on board from Germany. So in the lounge on the upper deck they laid out a German buffet and had music playing German songs!  Really felt like we were in Germany.  The food was not what I eat--- there was even a pig's head in display in the buffet--- but it was festive and lively.
I ate in the restaurant and by the way, the food has been excellent, as has been the service. I'm way over- eating.  I'm really satisfied with this cruise. The stewardess delivered a plate of chocolate eggs to our cabins this morning.

After lunch we had an excursion to the Delta project--- built to prevent the kind of horrible flood like they had in 1953.  Our bus drove over a dam where on one side was the North Sea and the other side was a lake.  ( I think I'm saying that right...). Then we went to the Delta Barrier----- built so that the sea could be shut off if necessary--- to prevent flooding.  This was an incredible work of engineering.  We walked over the barrier as well as went inside it.  At the visitors center we saw a film explaining the whole project. Just amazing! Our guide said the Dutch are fond of saying that God built the world but the Dutch built Holland.  It is a really apt expression and I now understand why they say that.  I hadn't realized before this trip that everywhere are dykes--- not just here and there.

We had a short walking tour in the town of Veere.  Again, really pretty and quaint.  The Dutch were all out riding bikes or going for a Sunday stroll.

We are never really sure what's coming next on this trip....we wish we had a clear map of our routes ( such as with the daily schedule) but that's not been the case so far.

By the way, I know there have been some typos in my blog ( and I know some friends are finding them all) but it's not always  easy to see them and Internet sometimes cuts out.  So please forgive.  ðŸ˜‰
All's well here and still having a good time!

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