Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sun Feb 18 Seville-Granada

 Adios Séville. Holà Granada. Our  visit today was a visit to the 13th century Alhambra, a fortress and UNESCO world heritage site is considered an excellent example of Moorish art and architecture. During the reign of the Moors it was the residence of the royal family. As we keep hearing about the Moors, I keep wondering why they’re not called the Mor-mans.🤪

I was not terribly impressed with this place, Probably partly due to the tour guide we had.She took too long and gave us way too much detail that we couldn’t really follow. It was information overload or TMI. It took over two hours— Maybe three —when it should’ve taken about 45 minutes.

From there we went to our hotel in Granada. Did you know that that name is the Spanish word for pomegranate? I didn’t. We have a lovely hotel, and my highest priority was to try to see the.BAFTA awards on TV tonight. It was impossible to see it on TV so I tried the Internet. It was on YouTube, but I could not really access the full program, understandably. Oh well.🥲 I have seen most of the films, so I really wanted to see the whole show but c’est la vie. I have just read about the final outcome if who won what.  

I don’t really care to show many photos from today because it was  rather ho -Hum.  (I am amazed at some of the people in the group who have to take about 50 pictures of themselves every day. Bizarre.)

But I found it was interesting that the snow capped mountains nearby are called the Sierra Nevada!  ( pic) 

Tonight we just have one night in Granada and tomorrow just one night in Vallencia and then several nights in Barcelona. The one -nights are kind of strange because you barely get settled and then you’re gone again. But it is ultimately OK because we get to see more of the country this way. 

Hasta mañana  

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