Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sat Feb 17 Seville

 Today was a full day in Seville. First, I must say the weather is absolutely like spring. Most of the day I had a light sweater on. Like so many places, they desperately need the rain, but it sure was nice to be a tourist on a sunny day. We had another excellent local guide give us a tour of the city. Such a beautiful city! 

First, we drove around to see the major sites. Then our driver took us to the plaza España, which was built for the 1926? Expo that they held here.  The primary building used a huge amount of ceramic tiles on the exterior where there were fountains and bridges over a little canal, and it really reminded me of Venice. I will try to attach a few pictures that show the beauty.

We then did a walking tour of the Old Town, including another  mosque/turned cathedral. Here they claim the pinky finger of Columbus is buried, and parts of him supposedly are in various locations. The stories we heard about Columbus from several guides made one wonder which stories about him are correct…

The tour also included the old Jewish section of town.  We certainly have seen some repeated themes:  about mosques turning into cathedrals, and Jews having their own part of town.  

It is now about 6 PM and we are heading out to a flamingo show shortly. I will attach some pictures here since I finally got them from Merle, my photographer!

PS— I just returned from the flamenco show, which was outstanding. It was not just for tourists, but it was truly professional dancers. I will attach a couple of photos from the show. 

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