Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sept 3 and 4. Telluride

Saw 4 films Sat and 4 more on Sunday.


The first 3 were based on real people.
1. Sully--- was better than I expected!  This will be big & get a lot of attention.  Starring Hanks, Linney, Eckhart and directed by Eastwood.  All were here!
2. Bright Lights-- a documentary about Debbie Reynolds & her kids Carrie & Todd.  The kids were here for an interesting discussion after.  I enjoyed it, but likely it's not for every taste.
3. Chasing Trane-- about the life & music of jazz legend John Coltrane.  Not really my cup of tea. . .
4. A Tribute to Amy Adams & her new sci fi drama Arrival.  She plays a linguistics scholar hired to interact with aliens.  Loved it!  It will be popular in theatres .

1. Finally a foreign film!  Franz---about a German girl after WWI whose fiancé was lost in France.  Quite compelling.  I enjoyed it.
2. Una--- staring Rooney Mara who got last year's festival tribute.  Her role is quite bizarre, a young woman who had been abused as a child & fixates on an older man.  Not for everyone but strong acting.
3. Wakefield-- with Bryan Cranston & Jennifer Garner.  I really liked it.  He plays a very quirky man masterfully. Go see it but don't read the synopsis in advance. 😉
4. Into the Inferno.  A Werner Herzog documentary in which he goes to an array of volcanos across the world and shows how the cultures have been affected or shaped by the volcanoes.  I had taken the gondola with the volcanologist from Cambridge who co directed and is on screen for much of the film.  I loved it.

  I also saw several screenings where actors, directors, writers were present for a discussion or to introduce the films.  I managed to get quite a few pictures of actors either being interviewed or as they walked past me.  Here are the folks I saw in person:
Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood, Laura Linney, Aaron Eckhart, Carrie Fisher, Todd Fisher, Amy Adams, Jennifer Garner, Bryan Cranston, Casey Affleck.  This is a bigger list than ever!
I have quite a few pix but cannot get them to show on this google blog 😥 But I'm happy to share with you if you're interested.
As always, I'm happy to tell you more about any films; I just don't have the time to tell more here.

Ten down & 4 to go!  😀

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