Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday in NYC

I can't believe this is the first chance I've had to write-- from lobby wifi. The days are packed!  We arrived Wed and were delighted to get our room right away to get some sleep after the red eye. Whew!

Across from hotel is playing " Hughie" starring Forrest Whittaker (. who I also saw at Telluride the year he won best actor). The play was so- so but his acting was superb. That show was an add-on to the 6 reservations we already has made --so now it's 7 shows.

Wed and Thursday Anita & I entered the lottery to try to get tix to "Hamilton" but alas we didn't win.
Wed night was "On Your Feet"--about Gloria & Emelio Estevan. Fantastic!!!  The gal playing Gloria was an amazing fit.

Thursday I got to meet up with Greg ( former B'way dancer related to Joan). We had a nice lunch and visited & gabbed about theatre. He gave me several new tips about getting rush tickets.

Since we didn't get the Hamilton lottery we got rush tix for "Eclipsed"starring Lupita Nyong'o who I saw at Telluride for "12 Years a Slave"--- the role that got her an Oscar. A very moving story about the plight of women in Liberia-- so called wives of rebels. It just opened this week & I imagine is headed for a Tony. So that show brings our count up to 8!!

Today we went to the World Trade Tower memorial and museum. Powerful tribute. I was impressed at how many young people were there who were not born in 2001 or were very little.

Tonight Dianne arrives from Boston & we are heading out for a bite before the show I'm most excited about: "Something Rotten".

Then Sat & Sun we have 2 shows a day.   ...My kind of vacation!

Happy Birthday  to my sister!  Wish you were here too!


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