Saturday, October 24, 2015

Roma days 2-3. Oct 24

Well I started to write yesterday, then it was time for dinner & show and  then it was too late to write, so this will tell about Friday & Saturday.

Yesterday (Friday) we used our Hop On/Off bus pass to get around.  We decided an unusual place to visit would be the Jewish Ghetto which has a synagogue, museum & district. Joni got a free Rick Steves audio  walking tour which gave some history & tips. We began with a guided tour of the large, beautiful synagogue which was a well done tour except it was in Italian so I was pretty lost. But the museum told the history of Jews in Italy-- with signs also in English. Next we found a kosher restaurant for lunch. The menu is not like typical US Jewish menus.  All the areas we are visiting have ruins mixed in alongside modern buildings. Fascinating. 

So after lunch what does one need?  Dessert!  Joni was on a quest for a speciality dessert: Tartufo and I had to find a famous gelato place-- Giolitti. While it was pretty good, we found that today, our guide took us to a much better gelato store. But our searching took us through new parts of town & forced us to walk a LOT but I'm not sure it was enough to offset the calories!  Overall I figure my diet here is about 96% carbs. Eek!  Between pasta, pizza & desserts, there's not at all the amount of vegetables & fruits I am used to.  So much for a "Mediterranean " diet !  ( not)

We had dinner near the hotel, then met Joni's French friend to attend a little concert at a church nearby. It was three tenors , along the line of the famous concerts --in the 80 s was it? 
However it turned out that these were not the professional level of singers that one might hope for.  It was pretty  touristic, unfortunately. 

Today ( Saturday) we had booked a walking food tour put on by several young Romans.  It took place in the Vatican neighborhood. Fantastic!  Turned out it was a private tour-- just for us!  It included a long visit in a market with tastings of cheeses, brushette, olive oils, proschutto (for Joni) etc.  outstanding! The little tour company has 4 founders who met at the university. They're in mid 20s. 

After the market, we walked through neighborhoods where she discussed history, architecture, Roman life & food. The guide is an archeologist with a passion for her field as well as food.  We cannot say enough good about them & the day!  " RomaEat: Food on Foot."  
We also visited a small family business & walked through the kitchen & watched the men make ( not cook) various pastas. Following that we went too restaurant to sample several of the pastas made where we visited today ---served with wine of course.

The day concluded with a stop at a wonderful gelato place, then coffee.
Whew!  A perfect day in all ways: information, food, private attention, weather, new places, all with our individual questions answered. We spent over 5 hours with them!  Mama Mia!

We are resting a bit before we go to dinner. ( really?).  Joni returns to France tomorrow morning & my tour begins tomorrow afternoon. Magnifico!  ( I don't have Italian spell check so please don't critique that). 

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.  

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