Saturday, October 17, 2015

Going to Italy!


Well Telluride is over, so now I  plan to write from time to time about my travels in Italy Oct 21-Nov 6, in case you're interested.   My friend Joni will be with me in Rome the first 4 days (before the tour starts) , then she returns to France &  I’ll join the Road Scholar Tour.  The group will have 4 nights each in Rome, Florence then Venice. 

  So, my itinerary is: Rome Oct 21-28; Florence Oct 29-Nov 1; Venice Nov 2-6.  In Florence I'll get to see my Academic Senate colleague, Richard, who is teaching there for the semester.

Next posting: Rome!  :-)


1 comment:

  1. Jane, I can't wait to hear your adventures in Italy! Buon viaggio!
