Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 3 Saturday Telluride 2013

Not surprisingly it was another successful and surprising day. We began by seeing the new Redford movie in which he was the sole actor: All is Lost. It's about a man in his yacht who gets into trouble on the high seas.  Pretty entertaining.
Next we saw a really outstanding film that is sure to get a lot of attention: 12 years as a Slave.  Based on a true story of a free black man ( a lawyer) in the 1840s who is taken from his home in the north & enslaved for 12 years. The man later wrote his memoir, which became the film. There was a Q &A after and we were shocked when the emcee announced that in addition to the director & several actors who would be interviewed, one of the produces was also present: Brad Pitt!  So he sat next to Michael Fassbender et al for the interviews.  We managed to move down to the 1st row for the Q & A so I got great pix of them!  Quel surprise!

Next we saw the Invisible Woman, starring Ralph Fiennes--- who you'll recall best from the FrenchLieutenant's  Woman.  He played Charles Dickens and it told
 of the long affair he had with a young woman.  String acting.  A period piece.

Finally we saw a film called the Prisoner starring Hugh Jackman & Jake Gyllenhaal--- who were both superb.  The stripy was that of a man who becomes obsessed about finding his missing child.  An incredible cast, really well done---very suspenseful but quite violent.  I hear it will be released soon.

Again it's after midnight, so I cannot elaborate much or improve the summaries.  Gotta sleep!  Having a great time!

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