Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday night

Another day of 4 films began with the tribute to Festival honoree Marion Cotillard.  The interview with her was delightful.  She's as perky and as interesting as you'd expect.  They showed clips from 6-8 of her movies which showed her talent & diversity.  Then they screened her new film: Rust & Bone (which already has played in France).  It was pretty heavy at times but captivating and really well acted. Marion played a trainer at a sea world who has a bad accident & has to re-examine her life. I would definitely recommend it.

Second we saw a British film called Everyday.  It was about a woman raising her 4 kids alone while her husband is in prison.  Was not as dark as it might seem.  Probably not something you'd go out of your way to see, but I enjoyed it.

Third was the lightest film of the festival: The Sapphires.  It was inspired by a real story of 4 Australian Aborigional women who form a girls singing group and went to Viet Nam to entertain the troops in 1968.  Very cute & the audience loved the diversion!

Finally there was a tribute to the other actor being honored: Mads Mikkelsen, a Danish actor we all have seen from time to time but who has most acclaim on the international scene.  (You'd recognize his picture).  He was in Casino Royale as a very evil character, which seems typical of his roles.  He was given the award as honoree, then was interviewed and clips from his movies were shown. They then showed his film, called the Hunt.  Quite dark but excellent acting.  He actually won the best actor at Cannes for this role.  Deserved award. Another of his films is showing here which we plan to see tomorrow.

Random thoughts:
--We hear Dennis Quaid is also here; a film of his is screening but I don't think we'll see it.
--Many of the films were introduced to us with the announcement that we were the first public audience to see it.  (often the case at Telluride).
--Oscar buzz is about Argo and Hyde Park on the Hudson.  That's logical.  I'd pick Argo.
--I just started a rating system for the films I saw.  If I don't get them posted, I'll share later with anyone who's interested.  It's just too late to write more when I get back at night.  (11 pm now).
--Sad that tomorrow is the last day.  But it looks like we'll see 4 more!  :-)

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