Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day--closing day at Telluride 2012

A fantastic concluding day!   The year we managed to see 15 movies. A new record for me.  I'm writing Tuesday morning because last night I was exhausted.  :-)

Today included the following:

1. The Iceman.  A fictionalized account of the real mob hit man (Michael Shannon is fantastic in the role).  Really well acted.  The director, producer and one of the actors, Ray Liotta were present to introduce it to us. (You know him).

2. No---about the media/advertising campaign to oust Pinochet in Chile.  I found it to be a most interesting (and frightening)  view of media creating the event. The medium is the message; Marshall McLuhan was so right.

3. The Attack--a story of an Arab surgeon living in Tel Aviv whose life is turned upside down following a terrorist bomb.  Very intriguing & suspenseful.  While it was not related to the documentary we saw about Shin Bet (Gatekeepers), it was an excellent bookend story.

4.  Superstar--a modern-day French farce starring Kad Merad (famous French actor) who was present to say "bonjour" before the screening.  He plays an ordinary Frenchman suddenly thrust into the limelight--against his will.  It's a commentary on the internet & social media---tres amusant; tres francais.  Yo Yos will all love this one.

Overall---this was the first year where there was not a single film I regretted seeing.  I would rate all of them with an A or B.  Not every film will be appealing to every audience, but I found them all most entertaining & informative.  Next year's festival will celebrate its 40th year; they will add one on day to the festival.  Fine with me!

Wish I had more time to write more about each film, but I gotta get ready to go to the airport.


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