Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sat night

It was a full day.  Saw 4 movies.  Here's the rundown:
1. Central Park Five---documentary by Ken Burns, his daughter & her husband about the real story of 5 black youths in NYC convicted wrongly of rape in central park.  It was really well done.  Burns & the 2 directors did a Q & A session after it which added a lot to the appreciation of the story & research. They employed some imaginative documentary effects; I really liked it.  Bravo.
2. Frances Ha--a quirky story by the director who did Squid & the Whale about a  26 ish young lady in NY who has not yet found her way into adulthood.  Amusing and well done.
3. The Gatekeepers---surprisingly our 3rd documentary ---- about the Israeli Shin Bet and its strategies that helped or hurt peace efforts.  It was very candid and the 5-6 former leaders of Shin Bet who were interviewed at length and who were able to be self critical & realistic.
4. Hyde Park on the Hudson---about FDR (OMG played by Bill Murray)  just before the start of WWII and his long lasting affair with a lady (Laura Linney).  I was really happy to see Laura & Bill here but must confess it was hard for me to suspend reality and believe them.  The big surprise was that Bill was here for the Q & A (not in the program) along with Laura.  It was wonderful to see them; film was entertaining but didn't grab me as I 'd hoped it would.

Tomorrow morning we'll start with Marion Cotillard!  Bon!
I have a not-so great pic  I got of the "president". .

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