Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sept 2, 2023 Telluride day 3

 Three films today.  My day was very full and I had no time to write blog. It is now the next morning, waiting in line for the first film, and I’m going to give a very brief summary of each of yesterday’s films.

1. “NYAD”—about Diana Nyad, played by Annette Bening,  an actual marathon swimmer who Returned to the sport at age 61 to complete the swim she was unable to do 33 years before: from Cuba to Key West. Jodie Foster plays her friend & coach.  This movie will have popular appeal and I think both actresses deserve nominations for Oscars. Quite commercial & entertaining.

2. “Daddio” starring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn.  It is about a young woman taking a cab ride from the airport to Manhattan & having a very in-depth conversation with the taxi driver. They got stopped for quite awhile waiting for an accident to be cleared on the road ahead, which gave them the time to have their in-depth conversation. The description in the program said to think “my dinner with Andre “ in a cab— an apt comparison.  I thought Sean Penn was fantastic.  Dakota Johnson was present to introduce the film and to do a Q & A after. I really enjoyed hearing in the discussion after how the filming was done. The cab scenes were all done in a studio with screens all around the actors so that they could watch the actual road and surroundings as they acted their characters. I definitely recommend this one. It will get attention.  

3. “ Wildcat” is directed by Ethan Hawke and stars his daughter Maya and the Telluride favorite daughter: Laura Linney. All three of those people were here to introduce the  film  which made it special. I thought the women were fantastic in their portrayals.  It is a disjointed ride and I’m not sure the general public will find this appealing but I very much appreciated the acting and learning more about Miss O’Connor. The screen writers portray Flannery O’Connor from her personal life as well as clips from various stories of hers. Therefore the actors portrayed multiple characters which is very interesting theatrically. I recommend it for fans of acting and American literature.

As always, please forgive typos, as I am dictating this on my phone in a rush!

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