Saturday, February 18, 2023

Sat Feb 18–Sarapiqui, Costa Rica

 Today we had the opportunity to get up early to do some birding here at the lodge/preserve.  At 6:15 I managed to join the small number of folks who also took the opportunity.  I learned a lot from others who are seasoned birders and especially our guide, Raphael, who knew a ton!  I can’t name them, unfortunately, but will try to post some pix and ask others to identify.  I was especially amused by the iguana in the tree.

Again the food was excellent and as I get to talk to others in our group I’m enjoying them.  Only 2 of us from Calif—and the other gal is from Sacramento area!  Others are from e.g. Virginia, Vermont, TX and Montana.  Four ladies are RNs!  Always a welcome addition!

Our morning activity was an excursion to a nearby home where a lady showed us how she makes cheese from her own cows.  She also demonstrated making tortillas and cooking them over the outdoor, wood-burning stove.  Very traditional.  I have lots of pix.  A young lady who served as interpreter was very cute and she also taught our group how to do Latin dances later in the day: salsa, meringue, cumbia.  Great fun!  I did my Lola Latin yell11”aye-yi-yi” and kept everyone laughing at the gringa!

The afternoon activity was to go rafting very nearby.  I decided to skip it, fearing more injury to my back.  Merle also decided to stay back, so we went down to the riverside to watch them go by.  However, Mother Nature had a different idea.  There was a heavy duty downpour, and I was very glad I stayed back.  Merle & I went to a covered location, hoping after the rain they could go rafting, but after waiting nearly an hour, we gave up.  Of course, then they did raft by.  Oh well…

Tried to add pix but having trouble.  Will try another time.

As always please forgive typos…😀💤

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