Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Feb 22 Wed. Monteverde

 So up here in the mountains, we had Howling wind all night…but I decided it was just part of the atmosphere.

We began our day with a hike & birding in the “cloud forest.”  I got several very good pictures.  It was a shorter walk than the last couple days, but the guide could see a number of people were really dragging, so he cut it short (rightfully).  Also there were a lot of tourists on the trail and it got in the way of our walk.

Next we went to a hummingbird display.  Lots of feeders were placed in a small area and we could get up close to see them & take pix.  

Lunch was at a very nice place nearby so that next we could visit a bat rescue group where bats were in a darkened area to simulate their environment.  We heard a most informational presentation by a young man who said his grandparents were among the first Quakers to come here.

We then had some free time to walk around the local town at our own pace.  Later we had a couple free hours back at the hotel before a 6:00 presentation.  The excellent speaker was a woman who runs a local dairy farm and who has made vast improvement in the farming methods to minimize negative impacts on the environment.  She had a powerful presentation about the dire condition of the world’s ecosystem due to man’s behaviors, but also shared ways to mitigate the effects.  

Dinner in hotel.  This has been a very congenial group & well run tour.

As always please forgive typos, as I write in a rush with minimal time on Wi-Fi.

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