Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day, Sept 5, 2022 Last Day of Festival

 Wow, the last day already!  

1. A Tribute to Mark Cousins, filmmaker, and screening of “ My Name is Alfred Hitchcock.”  I hadn’t known Mark Cousins but in the tribute to him we saw clips from some films and heard him interviewed, I gained respect for him and his work.  Today’s documentary film was a chronicle of Hitchcock films with voice over by an actor  sounding just like Hitchcock.  It was really like an Intro to Film class.  I loved it!

2. “Empire of Light” by Sam Mendes stars Olivia Colman and Colin Firth was probably the favorite of all of us!  How happy I was to see this one at the end of the festival!  This one will get a lot of attention & awards.  Highly recommend.  

3. “A Compassionate Spy” told the story of Ted Hall, a 19 year old Harvard grad physicist on the Manhattan project who took it upon himself to give atomic secrets to the Soviets.  Interviews with him before he died in the 90s, and with his wife & daughters more recently tried to shed light on his motivations, but it was difficult to justify what he did.  Pretty powerful. Sorry we had to end on this note, but overall today was very interesting.  

Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the festival, so they will add 1 more day to the festival.

Signing off from Telluride 2022.

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