Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Telluride 2021 one day before the festival

Sept 1 Wednesday 

We are so excited to be here. There are 4 of us this year: Michelle, Pat, Julie and moi. We got a condo right by our theater so it will take a matter of two minutes to get in line each day! This is huge.  There have been some years when we have had to walk a long way.

The festival has taken tremendous precautions to keep us all safe. We all had our PCR Covid test within the last five days and this morning we had to have a quickie done. So we feel safe that the people are around us will  probably be Covid free. And we are required to wear a mask in every screening.

I was invited to a pre-festival screening today because I am a contributor to the festival. The film I just saw is called “the lost daughter. “ Olivia Colman is in the starring role. She is fantastic as always. It was a very powerful film. I’m not going to write about it yet because my friends have not seen it yet. So I can add my opinions to this later.

I got a phone call today to tell me that I was cast in the play at Sun City Lincoln Hills. ( Greta who is Swedish). I’m very excited and look forward to getting to know all the folks in the theater group there.

I am very much enjoying the clean air and the cold temperature here! I had to wear a sweater and a jacket and we had some rain this afternoon! What a welcome change from Northern California.

So tomorrow we probably will see three films and I am hoping I will have time to write about them then. Happy to be back at the festival! I think this might be year 15 or 16 for me. 


From the program

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