Sunday, September 2, 2018

Telluride Day 3 Sept 2

We managed to see 4 films today.  An excellent day!

1. A tribute to Emma Stone & her new film, “The Favourite.”  The festival honored Stone & we saw a short interview with her before the movie.  She has been here the last 2 years with La La Land and Battle of the Sexes.  (And the Birdman was the year prior).
Her new film was excellent.  She played a conniving servant in Queen Anne’s court.  The filmmakers did an excellent job of suggesting the historical period but making it current enough to be accessible.
It was really entertaining!  I look forward to seeing it again.  It will get a lot of attention.

2. “Girl” was a very moving story of a young man who wanted to become a female and wanted to become a ballerina.  I thought it was very touching and easy to empathize. Outstanding acting.  It had won several awards at Cannes.  Not surprising.

3. “First Man” tells about Neil Armstrong on his path to the moon.  This will be popular. We all enjoyed it.  It does take poetic license but still worth it.

4. “The White Crow” told the story of Rudolf  Nureyev from his childhood until his professional ballet, and then his defection.  Of course I enjoyed the dancing.  Well done!

So this was a day of 4 excellent films!!
We had thunder & lightening, so it reminded us where we were!

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