Saturday, September 1, 2018

Telluride Day 2 Sept 1

Today we decided just to see three films. We’re taking it a little slower this year. They’re just were some films that didn’t appeal to us very much.

1. First was a tribute to Alfonso Cuaron(who directed “Gravity” for example)
and the screening of his new film: “Roma.”  He explained that the film was drawn from memories of his childhood in a district in Mexico City called Roma. It was in the 1970s. The four of us had very mixed reactions to this film. It was a character study and certainly not action packed. Visually it was interesting and the human story was compelling. But I doubt that many people will flock to see it. It was in Spanish.
2. “Cold War” was a Polish film about a man who researched, played and taught folk music to a young choral group, to ensure the tradition continues.  He falls in love with a young lady in the group and their very passionate and tortured relationship is set against the backdrop of the challenging political turmoil of Eastern Europe from the late 40s -50s.  Because of the music and locales (including Paris in the 50s) I was drawn to it, but some others thought it less appealing.

3. “Destroyer” starred Nicole Kidman as an LA detective who ( as the program explains) was haunted by an old case that had gone wrong.  Her transformation into this character is certain to garner an Academy award nomination.  It’s a gritty cop show with a woman in the lead, instead of a man. We Just read a review of it that was very positive.  This is one to watch for.

Sleep time. . .

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