Monday, August 28, 2017

Telluride 2017. Aug 31-Sept 4

The group of us this year is Michelle, Julie B, Pat J and me. We rented a new condo this year, so we'll see how we like it.  We're going several days early, as usual, to get used to the altitude & cuz it's fun!
This is the first time I've bought the cheap seats with the others. . . instead of the outrageous Patron Pass.  I have very mixed feelings about this, but will see if I can adjust. I'm saving a lot of $$-- especially since they raised the Patron pass price a lot this year.

We also tried something new with travel this year. We're flying to Denver then driving the 6.5 hours to Telluride (after a night at a hotel at airport).  We'll see how that works.  :-)

I probably won't have anything to write until Friday or Saturday. . . once the festival is underway.
Until then,

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