Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day Sept 7 Final Day

A very entertaining final day!
1. Marguerite-- a French comedy by the same filmmaker who brought a film to Telluride a few years ago that was hysterical-- Superstar. This one is about a woman who is a singer wanna-be who cannot sing at all but everyone in her world pretends she's great. Most amusing. But a special aspect for me was that I got seated 1/2 early and chatted with a film critic next to me: Joe Morgenstern from the Wall St Journal. (Later I found he's a Pulitzer Prize winner 😊). It was a pleasure to hear his views on the films we have seen.
2.  Taxi-- a filmmaker in Iran has been under " house arrest" for years but still manages to make films. In this case he mounted a camera on the dashboard of a taxi and drove around Tehran to find an array of stories. This was a thoroughly entertaining film.  Ken Burns sat directly behind me.
3. Room.   I resisted going to this one because of the subject matter but was convinced by others all day that I needed to see it and am glad I did. Really intense. It's about a woman & her little boy who are confined to live in a single room. I can't say more to give it away but it was the most powerful film of all.

So in summary: I enjoyed every film I saw, have no regrets and if you're interested in more views or details about any of these, just ask me. Of course there were many more movies shown than I saw, but the 13 I saw were quite special!
I'll write next when I'm in Italy late October.

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