Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday at Telluride day 1

Today began with the brunch for festival patrons.  As always the food & locale were spectacular. It didn't seem that many of the film makers or actors were there but then we saw Ken Burns and then Jon Stewart arrived!  I got a great pic of him but cannot figure how to post it here now.

Then after I took his picture I had a private moment with him !
Jane. "we are all really excited about your film"
Jon " oh thanks. I hope I don't disappoint everyone"
Jane " I am sure you will not".
Fun! :-). Fortunately we also got to see his film tonight.  But I get ahead of myself.

After brunch we saw the Reese Witherspoon movie based on the book Wild. It was enjoyable.  She's here.

Then we went to a very artsy film Mr Turner --about an English artist. Unsure whether it would reach a very wide audience, but you can ask me more if interested. Cinematography was beautiful.

Finally we saw Jon Stewart's Rosewater. WOW!  He introduced the film before then had a panel with him, the lead actor and the real Mazier Bahan on whom the story was based.  I want to be sure to watch Daily show in coming weeks to hear what he says about Telluride!
All 3 films today were based on real people/ events.

It's 12:45 am and I'm too tired to write more now. Sorry!

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