Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday day 3

This will be brief because I broke my past record by seeing FIVE feature films!! Whew!

1. Birdman-- will appeal to my theatre friends.  Michael Keaton as an aging actor and Ed Norton along with an excellent supporting cast.  I can't wait to see it again. Filmmaker was Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu-- who did Babel-- and I like his twisted sense of humor and some priceless lines. Festival goers really like this one too.

2. Escobar about Pablo Escobar' s demise.  Fiction, but real in that Escobar was a monster. Well done.

3. Merchants of Doubt-- documentary about the science- deniers--- who have convinced a public that there is doubt around issues such as global warming.  The film shows how the deniers have developed clever strategies they use over & over.  This would be excellent for a college class discussing propaganda or faulty reasoning or, of course, any science class.  Super job.

4. Dancing Arabs-- a love story about an Arab boy who falls in love w an Israeli girl. Very well done.

5 Wild Tales. -- a wild ride through 6 short tales of coincidences & vengeance. Set in Argentina -- very funny!

No time for detail but please ask me for more about any you're especially interested in.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday day 2

We got in 4 movies today beginning with The Foxcatcher. It was starring Chaning Tatum as an Olympic gold medalist in wrestling and a very against- type casting of Steve Carrell as an eccentric coach wanna-be.  Mark Ruffalo also in it.  Outstanding acting!  This one will get a lot of attention. Based on true story. I do not want to spoil this one & I advise you not read about it in advance. Definitely recommend this.

Mommy was a poignant story of a son with major behavioral issues and his mother.  Very well done but likely not for a wide audience.  Directed by a 26 yr old Canadian who clearly has a bright future.

The imitation Game --- my favorite so far staring Benedict Cumberbatch as the man who led the work to decipher the Enigma code inWWII. Riveting and real. I expect to see awards for this one.

The homesman starring Hilary Swank was the last tonight. Directed by & also staring Tommy Lee Jones. A good movie but by far not a best one. A period story about a frontier woman. Swank was honored by the festival in a ceremony we saw, as well as a retrospective of her career.

A very satisfactory day!  I got pix of Carrell & Tatum but can't post. Oh-- and during the last movie Jon Stewart sat at the end of my row-- about 10 seats away!  This I love about Telluride---People are respectful & give people their space.

Gotta get some sleep now..

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday at Telluride day 1

Today began with the brunch for festival patrons.  As always the food & locale were spectacular. It didn't seem that many of the film makers or actors were there but then we saw Ken Burns and then Jon Stewart arrived!  I got a great pic of him but cannot figure how to post it here now.

Then after I took his picture I had a private moment with him !
Jane. "we are all really excited about your film"
Jon " oh thanks. I hope I don't disappoint everyone"
Jane " I am sure you will not".
Fun! :-). Fortunately we also got to see his film tonight.  But I get ahead of myself.

After brunch we saw the Reese Witherspoon movie based on the book Wild. It was enjoyable.  She's here.

Then we went to a very artsy film Mr Turner --about an English artist. Unsure whether it would reach a very wide audience, but you can ask me more if interested. Cinematography was beautiful.

Finally we saw Jon Stewart's Rosewater. WOW!  He introduced the film before then had a panel with him, the lead actor and the real Mazier Bahan on whom the story was based.  I want to be sure to watch Daily show in coming weeks to hear what he says about Telluride!
All 3 films today were based on real people/ events.

It's 12:45 am and I'm too tired to write more now. Sorry!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Telluride Film Festival 2014 Thursday

It's the day before the festival starts. We arrived last night. This morning we were shocked to discover they gave out the programs today! A first! How wonderful to be able to read the schedule  early. So at this time, we know most of the movies and a lot of the actors & directors etc who will be here-- not just their movies but them in person.

No telling who we will personally see but here's the list so far: Jon Stewart with his directorial debut; Steve Carrell; Channing Tatum; Hillary Swank who will be honored; Reese Witherspoon; Benedict Cumberbatch; Laura Dern.
I imagine a number of them will attend the Patrons Brunch tomorrow.  Photo op.

Besides a tribute to Hillary Swank, there is a tribute to Apocalpse Now on the occasion of its 35th anniversary. Coppola will be here with others to reflect on this landmark film.

In addition, typically there are surprise people & films that will be TBAs announced in the coming days.
Besides getting acclimated today Michelle looked at some condos for possible purchase. That was fun!
I hope to be able to post more about our experiences tomorrow. So far, so good.

Oh-- I just saw the full list of films so far  is on the website for Telluride Film Festival. So I won't list them now , but you can check it out if interested.
 Again-- that's a first-- to be posted already.

-- Jane

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Aug. 12, 2014

Hi friends,

Today is Aug 12th; in 15 days we leave for Telluride.  (We go early to get acclimated to the elevation). The Festival begins Friday, Aug 29.  I hope to do my first posting that day, or if not, on the 30th.  We'll then see films each day through Labor Day, and we head home on Tuesday Sept 2.  As always, we will not know which films will be there until they are announced on 8/29.  Michelle & I are being joined by several of her family members and there will be 4 other people with us in the 4 bedroom condo we rented (a new place this time). As before, I will not attempt to write any kind of reviews but instead will list the films and any interesting people we come across.  Please feel free to ask me later if you'd like more impressions of any of the movies. I cannot predict when my postings will be written, as it all depends on time.  Squeezing 4 -5 movies in a day is pretty consuming!
 I can't wait!! :-)