Friday, August 30, 2024

Fri Aug 30 Telluride

 Over the last several years things have evolved.  It used to be that we saw our first film Friday night but then for a few years they would show one late in the afternoon. But…

1.  This year we got to see an 11 AM film: “Social Studies” —a most clever title. The program description said “ Over the past 10 years, America embarked upon the most dangerous experiment in human history: we gave our children phones and invited them to immerse themselves, unsupervised in social media.”   That says it all.  I certainly didn’t need to be persuaded on this topic, but the film really laid it out.  This is a 5 part documentary focusing on a group of high schoolers as they try to navigate adolescence fully addicted to social media.  It will be shown on FX I think on Sept 27.  All parents, teachers, and anyone with children in their lives must see this!  ( We saw the filmmaker be interviewed after—bravo).

2. We then saw “Better Man” about British pop artist Robbie Williams and the part of Robbie was played by himself!  I didn’t know his music but enjoyed it in the film.  This documentary is an excellent creative piece— telling a poignant tale of his addictions & deep self doubt.  The director & Robbie were present to introduce us to the film & for a Q & A.  Very well done  

Another film was being shown tonight but we decided to call it a night.  

A Good day!😀

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